I’m currently in a delivery space so this is relatable and timely. The closer we get to the end of our public beta and into a national rollout, the more fall into the trap of prioritising business processes over user needs. Your article has given me the a-ha moment for the risk register - we’re at risk of launching an unhealthy service. Thanks for launching a series of articles on this - looking forward to the next one!
I’m currently in a delivery space so this is relatable and timely. The closer we get to the end of our public beta and into a national rollout, the more fall into the trap of prioritising business processes over user needs. Your article has given me the a-ha moment for the risk register - we’re at risk of launching an unhealthy service. Thanks for launching a series of articles on this - looking forward to the next one!
Thanks Christine! Hopefully the newest post sparks some ideas.